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Clan Sker's territory consists of the small, lowlaying islands that twolegs call the Rabbit Island, located within the bay that twolegs call Tongue Bay. The sandy soil makes for excellent rabbit burrows, and it is these animals that make up the majority of the clan's prey. No twolegs live on the islands, but they are often visited by curious twolegs who come via boat to walk the islands or to dive in the waters around them. The cats make their territory in the center of the northern portion of the main island and hunt on the main island too. The smaller island to the north is a spiritual place for them, and the stone archway at its northern end is regarded as a sacred doorway to the otherworld. Despite living on the island most of the time, these cats are unafraid to travel and explore, and they travel to and from the mainland using rafts woven from driftwood and vegetation and carried by the tides. When the tides are strongest at the full moon, they travel to the mainland to meet with their neighboring clan of the moors, Clan Fell. The clans generally have amiable relationships, but they are both proud and independent and scuffles are not uncommon.  

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