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The clan reveres their ancestors, the sinnsearan, and the founder of the clan, the wildcat Fell, most of all. These ancestral cat spirits reside in the Otherworld, the bright and abundant land of the dead as well as of deities and other supernatural beings. The Otherworld is believed to lie just below our world, and sometimes can be entered by burial mounds (which are how the clan buries their dead) or caves. A deep cave located at the edge of Clan Fell's territory in the cliffs along the sea is believed to lead to the Otherworld if one ventures deep enough, but the cats usually only travel far enough to visit the Mistpool, named for the silver mist that always ghosts across its surface-- a sure sign of the Otherworldly nearby. 

Clan Fell also believes, though does not specifically worship, in several nature deities that are behind some of the forces of nature that impact their environment. 

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