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  • Blaeberry - fruit is used to treat digestive illnesses; leaf can be used to treat diarrhea, infections, and burns

  • Bog myrtle - can be applied to reduce bleeding; when ingested, can expel or kill parasites (should NOT be eaten by pregnant cats); the smell is also soporific, especially when combined with lavender 

  • Broom - stimulates the heart 

  • Burdock/Burr-head - can help with arthritis and infections

  • Centaury/Hundred leaves - useful for digestive ailments; stimulates the appetite and digestion

  • Cloudberry - can help protect against coughing ailments

  • Cranberry/Frog berry - bark can ease muscle cramping; berries can be toxic if too many are eaten

  • Crow's foot - a remedy for toothaches and nosebleeds; helpful for wound healing 

  • Dock - a poultice of dock root can treat nettle and bee stings

  • Feverfew - treats fever, headaches, arthritis, and digestive problems

  • Ground ivy - can be used to treat coughs, indigestion, snake bites, bruises, asthma, and headaches; very helpful for lung conditions

  • Hazel - hazelnuts are extremely nutritious and eating them is thought to help the power of prophecy 

  • Heal-all - can be used to heal wounds and treat bruises

  • Heather - the flowers can be used to create a poultice to help headaches and insomnia; can also be used to treat coughs

  • Heath Pea - suppresses thirst and hunger

  • Ivy - can be applied to treat burns or sore/watering eyes; can be ingested to treat coughs

  • Lavender - calming; prevents wounds from becoming infected 

  • Meadowsweet - eases pain, inflammation, and fever; also used to treat an acidic stomach 

  • Mistletoe - the berries are poisonous, but there are several beneficial uses; mixing the stems and leaves with ivy can help break fevers; mixing with skullcap and valerian can be useful for nervous conditions; mistletoe slows the pulse and helps to stop internal bleeding

  • Potato - a poultice of mashed potatoes and ginger can be used to help treat fever or chest ailments

  • Rowan - berries can be eaten to help protect against coughing illnesses 

  • Septfoil - can be used to stop or reduce blood flow from cuts; treats inflammations and digestive ailments

  • Sundew - a remedy for coughs

  • Thyme - prevents wounds from becoming infected

  • Valerian - relieves anxiety and helps cats sleep 

  • Yarrow - helps treat wounds and stem blood flow




  • Bog myrtle - can be used as bedding, as it repels biting insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and fleas

  • Bracken - used for bedding

  • Heather - used for bedding




  • Foxglove - poisonous when ingested; symptoms include nausea, drooling, vomiting, dilated pupils, tremors, seizures, and abnormal heart rhythm/rate 

  • Hemlock water dropwort

  • Mistletoe - berries are poisonous

  • Ragwort - bitter tasting; significant ingestion causes weight loss, weakness, sleepiness, yawning, lack of coordination, and yellowish mucous membranes

  • Yew - all parts of the plant are extremely poisonous; ingestion can cause drooling, vomiting, weakness, difficulty breathing, abormal heart rate, dilated pupils, tremors, seizures, coma and death


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