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" I don't know what it is
But I feel good about this" 

NAME - Amberpaw

GENDER - nonbinary (they/them)
AGE -  7 moons

ORIENTATION - pansexual
RANK - foghlamaiche


A short-furred chocolate spotted caliby with low white and one green and one blue eye

Amberpaw is an upbeat, somewhat rebellious, and reckless apprentice that doesn't let anything get them down for long. They love training (as long as it's fun topics like fighting rather than boring stuff like caring for the elders or the warrior code) but can be rather easily distracted. They are fiercely loyal to their friends and clanmates despite not setting much stock by traditions and laws. Amberpaw longs for excitement and adventure and may end up making trouble for themself if they grow too bored and restless. They are relentlessly energetic and friendly, which can unfortunately irritate or intimidate cats that they see as nothing more than prospective friends. While generally good-natured, they can become defensive when they feel that they or their friends are threatened. 




Wolfsweet - Amberpaw feels something approaching hero worship for their mentor, Wolfsweet. She's friendly and laid back enough to appeal to their fun-loving nature, but won't hesitate to become sterner if Amberpaw is acting out. Amberpaw usually respects Wolfsweet far more than other authority figures and tries their best to listen attentively to her. 


Flamepaw - Flamepaw, on the other hand, is Amberpaw's closest friend-- somewhat out of necessity, as the only other apprentice who isn't studying to become a healer, but also due to their naturally complementing personalities. Flamepaw is accommodating and good-natured, happy to go along with Amberpaw's spontaneity while providing some much-needed good sense and caution. Flamepaw is idealistic and passionate about her clan, which can occasionally lead to bickering between her and Amberpaw on topics such as clan tradition and laws, which Flamepaw reveres and Amberpaw generally disregards. 


Puffinpaw - Amberpaw has tried, repeatedly, to become friends with Puffinpaw but just can't seem to figure out how to make it work. Puffinpaw is more of a fan of activities like quietly collecting interesting rocks or fungi he finds and isn't interested in running around the moors or playfighting with Amberpaw. He tends to get a bit overwhelmed by their intense friendliness and enthusiasm and can become withdrawn and nervous as a consequence. 

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